Using the WINDOW() and OFFSET() functions

Applying Visual DAX Filters in Power BI

Using filter functions such as REMOVEFILTERS(), ALLEXCEPT(), ALLSELECTED(), ALL() to change the way measures are filtered.

DAX filters
Creating Multiple Measures with DAX Query Editor

DAX Using the INDEX Function

Building a Measure using the RANKX Function

A step-by-step look at using the RANK and RANKX functions and then using RANKX to build a measure using DAX query editor.
SQL Sales Report
Example SQL raw Sales report using window function and CTE

Classification Models: Data Process
Mapping out the steps of the process from planning, and analyzing, to model selection, building, and measuring.

Power BI KPI Report Demo
Power BI KPI reports example using the Power KPI Matrix visual displaying MTD, QTD, YTD, and Year on Year.

Power BI Report demos on Youtube

Power BI – Brazil Stock Market Profitability Explorer

Power BI Airline Survey Report Demo

The files in these demos can be downloaded from GitHub
DAX Running Total Measure – Quick Measure vs. Human Measure
The quick measure for running totals includes a complex INONORAFTER() function. How do we break it down and is there an easier calculation?

Multiple Graphs with Seaborn
A quick way to view data and spot major outliers, visually.

Statistical Analysis
Basic Statistical techniques.

Simple Linear Regression
A simple linear regression example using ordinary least squares function from statsmodels.

Building a Date Table with DAX
Building a date table in DAX is a good way of learning time intelligence functions, but it should be stored centrally.

Investigating the Sales Tables in the Contoso Retail Data Warehouse
A look around the Contoso Retail Data warehouse.