- How to check for model assumptions with Python Seaborn GraphicsWe need to check assumptions for models to give us confidence that are models have integrity and are not biased or overfitting the data. We check for three assumptions in this example, with sub-plotted seaborn graphics for a linear regression model.The code for creating the linear regression model can be found in this postYou can… Read more: How to check for model assumptions with Python Seaborn Graphics
- A Summary of the data process used in Classification ModelsIntroduction: Classification models are machine learning models that are used to predict binary outcome scenarios such as: Spam / Not SpamFraudulent Transaction / Non-Fraudulant Transationcustomer churn/ customer will not churncuster high value / customer low valueload approval /non-approval The Data Process Planning Exploratory Data Analysis (Python) Model Selection (Classification) Classification Models: Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression,… Read more: A Summary of the data process used in Classification Models
- An Example of Using K-Means Cluster modellingSupermarket Example Import libraries and read in CSV file to data frameThe data comes from kaggle here (mall data) First, we run some basic checks on the data to check for data integrity.Data includes 200 rows of data by 5 columns We can change Gender to numeric with the following Then we check for nulls… Read more: An Example of Using K-Means Cluster modelling
- How to Build a Human Resources Employee Attrition ModelHere we make use of the HR Analytics dataset available on Kagoo. The dataset was created to understand the factors behind employee attrition and can be used to train a model for predicting employee churn. The Python Code for the 2 models is on Github We can start by importing the required libraries and import… Read more: How to Build a Human Resources Employee Attrition Model
- Creating a Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) Prediction ModelIn this project I’m trying to predict customer lifetime sales (well actually first 12-month sales), initially using the SKlearns linear regression model. The code can be downloaded from Github here. The results haven’t been great so far and I wonder how the data from the Contoso Retail data warehouse was created as I have an… Read more: Creating a Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) Prediction Model