The application of various filter arguments is crucial to controlling the output of DAX measures when visual filters are present on a report page. When CALCULATE() is used in an expression, any filters applied will override any existing filters on the filter being applied.
e.g. CALCULATE(SUM(V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), V_DimProduct[BrandName]=”Litware”)
Any filter on V_DimProduct[BrandName]is removed and the new filter is applied. So a slicer on that column would stop working.
In this example, we create a number of measures in a matrix, using different filter functions. There are 3 slicers that can be applied to the matrix: Year, BrandName, and ProductCategoryName. The original simple measure is sales amount, which is simply just a sum of sales amount from the FactOnlineSales table from the Contoso Retail Datawarehouse.
Simple SUMX Measure: The original measure with no filter arguments, will just be affected by the current filter context applied by both slicers and matrix or table rows and columns
Sales Amount =
CALCULATE(): Using the powerful Calculate() function, we can apply filters to the original measure to change the way the visual filters affect the measure.
Sales Amount (Filter Brand Litware) =CALCULATE(SUM(V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), V_DimProduct[BrandName]=”Litware”)
In the next example, we apply a filter using calculate, but on the year, which is a filter in the matrix. As you can see, the filter on year is removed from the columns and the sum of sales for 2008 is repeated for each year from 2007 to 2009.
Sales Amount (Filter Year 2008) = CALCULATE(SUM(V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), V_DimDate[CalendarYear]=2008).
To fix this issue we can use KEEPFILTERS()
KEEPFILTERS(): The KEEPFILTERS() function helps us keep the filters on Year in the matrix:
Sales Amount (KeepFilters) =
CALCULATE(SUM(V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), V_DimDate[CalendarYear]=2008, KEEPFILTERS(V_DimDate))
REMOVEFILTERS(): By using the REMOVEFILTERS() function along with CALCULATE() we can remove all the filters applied to the report. As you can see in the table above, this removes the filters from the Year, Brand, and Product Category Name columns. Essentially giving us the total sales for the company for all time.
Sales Amount (RemoveFilters: all) = CALCULATE(SUMX(V_FactOnlineSales, V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), REMOVEFILTERS())
REMOVEFILTERS(‘TableName’): We can also use the REMOVEFILTERS() function to remove filters only on a specific table (not all tables). In this example, we remove any filters on the V_DimProduct table. Other filters will continue to filter the measure:
Sales Amount (RemoveFilters: Table) = CALCULATE(SUMX(V_FactOnlineSales, V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), REMOVEFILTERS(V_DimDate))
REMOVEFILTERS(‘TableName'[ColumnName]): A more granular method is to remove filters just on specific columns. In this example, we remove any filtering applied by V_DimProductCategory'[ProductCategoryName]
Sales Amount (RemoveFilters: Column) = CALCULATE(SUMX(V_FactOnlineSales, V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), REMOVEFILTERS(‘V_DimProductCategory'[ProductCategoryName]))
ALL(‘TableName’): Removes all filters from a specified table. This is similar to REMOVEFILTERS(‘TableNAme’), but it works differently.
Sales Amount (All: DimProductCategory Table) = CALCULATE(SUMX(V_FactOnlineSales, V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), ALL(V_DimProductCategory))
ALL(‘ColumnName’): Remove all filters from specified columns:
ALLEXCEPT(): Remove all filters except the specified column or columns. In this example, we remove all filters except from the V_DimProductCategory'[ProductCategoryName] column.
Sales Amount (AllExcept: ProductCategoryName) = CALCULATE(SUMX(V_FactOnlineSales, V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), ALLEXCEPT(V_DimProductCategory, ‘V_DimProductCategory'[ProductCategoryName]))
ALLNONBLANKROWS(): If your data has blank rows in it, then this may be useful to you. If it doesn’t then you don’t need it. You can apply it to a table or columns:
SalesTableRows = SalesTableRows (non blank) = COUNTROWS(ALLNOBLANKROW(‘V_FactOnlineSales’))
SalesOrderLines (non blank) = COUNTROWS(ALLNOBLANKROW(‘V_FactOnlineSales'[SalesOrderLineNumber]))
ALLSELECTED(‘TableName’): Removes filters coming from within the visual. So in this example, ALLSELECTED() removes the filters on year within the matrix i.e the columns, but if you use the slicer on year, it will still work. You can also apply to columns.
Sales Amount (AllSelected DimDate) = CALCULATE(SUMX(V_FactOnlineSales, V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), ALLSELECTED(V_DimDate))
Using multiple Tables and Columns in Filter Expressions
The above use of filter functions affecting visuals can be further expanded to include multiple tables and multiple columns as in the examples below:
CALCULATE(SUM(V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), V_DimProduct[BrandName]=”Litware” && V_DimProduct[BrandName]=”Northwind Traders”)
Sales Amount (Filter Multiple Year) =
CALCULATE(SUM(V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), V_DimDate[CalendarYear] IN {2008, 2009})
Sales Amount (RemoveFilters multiple) = CALCULATE(SUMX(V_FactOnlineSales, V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), REMOVEFILTERS(‘V_DimProductCategory'[ProductCategoryName], ‘V_DimProductCategory'[ProductCategoryDescription]))
Sales Amount (All: multiple) = CALCULATE(SUMX(V_FactOnlineSales, V_FactOnlineSales[SalesAmount]), ALL(V_DimProductCategory), ALL(V_DimDate))